34 Miles: The Cape Cod Bay Challenge

Wow, I can't believe I'm going to do this -- but it's for an amazing cause...

The Cape Cod Bay Challenge (CCBC) is a 34 mile open-ocean charity paddle across Cape Cod Bay. It starts in Plymouth, MA, and ends 11-12 hours later in Wellfleet, MA, on the far end of Cape Cod. 

Paddlers raise donations to benefit Christopher’s Haven, a home away from home for the out-of-town families of children undergoing cancer treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital. 

Help these families today! Every amount contributes to this special cause, even $10 smile emoticon message me for more details!

Email me to find out how you can make a donation and sponsor me in this paddle crossing. 

I'm personal training at the mrc!

Check out the article in the Penbay!


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Call 236-9400 or check out our website www.midcoastrec.org