Do You Need an Adventure?

Join me and my co-guide, Thea, for a women’s overnight sea kayak adventure from 8/31 - 9/2. 

Accommodations will be at the Maine Island Lodge on Gay Island, which is part of Friendship and can be viewed here:

The lodge sports a large beautiful deck and private beach frontage where you can sit back and relax! There are 7 bedrooms in the lodge allowing for separate sleeping quarters making this an ideal location for a socially distanced adventure. And I know what you’re wondering “Are there showers?” Yes, there are showers!

We will spend our days kayaking and exploring some of Maine’s islands and when we’re not out to sea activities on Gay island include exploring trails, paddle boarding, and swimming. There will be optional opportunities for fitness and yoga and plenty of relaxing of course. And we are hoping to have a fire side lobster dinner on the beach!

The cost is $800 per person (private room) or $700 per person (if you bring a friend(s) and are able to room together). The cost includes all gear (kayak, kayak paddle, PFD) and food. All you need to bring is clothing. 

While an outdoor adventure is great for our efforts to socially distance, we are requiring all guests to be living in Maine (i.e., they are residents of Maine or have been here for at least the month of August) and wear masks inside the lodge when not in your private room and in common areas where socially distancing is not possible.

This adventure truly is a unique and unforgettable way to experience coastal Maine - Thea and I are so excited to have you join us! 

In health,

Sea kayak and backpacking tours led by licensed Maine guides, Thea Ritter and Brystle Noble.

Make Room for Movement: Tips on creating your personal space for exercise.

As a trainer I’ve heard it dozens of time, “I don’t have room to exercise at home.” Truth is, you don’t need much room to get a great workout (enough room to lie down, and take a step to the side and/or a step forward) and chances are good your excuse is holding you back from a powerful experience. Exercising from home can not only save you from spending money on expensive gym memberships it can be one of the most empowering experiences you have in your fitness journey - to know that you have the ability and fortitude to take care of business all by yo’self. Here are some tips for getting it done…

Tip 1: What type of exercise will you be doing?

Before you can consider the where, you’ll need to consider the what. The type of exercise you’ll be doing will determine how much space you need and what type of equipment and storage you’ll want.

If for example, you know you’ll be doing mainly yoga your space could be quite small with room for a mat and some small props such as a yoga block, blanket, and a bolster. But if you think you may also want to do some HIIT (High intensity interval training) and will need room for traveling leaps you’ll want a slightly larger space. And if you’re planning for larger pieces of equipment you will need to consider if you want to share a room such as your living room or home office or dedicate an entire room, such as your basement to be your exercise space.

Tip 2: Dedicate your space

I’ve exercised more outside of a gym than in one and in a lot of different bedroom...the patio...the beach...a tent...Gay Island off the coast of Maine with nothing but my TRX suspension training straps strung up on a tree...and with a set of dumbbells out of the back of my Wrangler on the lawn at the community center while my kiddo was inside taking a karate lesson - and nothing beats having a dedicated space! 

We live in a moderately sized 3 bedroom apartment and I use EVERY room in my circuits, haha! But when I need my uninterrupted exercise time I go to my sanctuary, which I’ve chosen to double as my bedroom. I have dedicated this space to mirrors and the larger pieces of equipment such as a weight bench, dumbbells, a Bosu, TRX straps, etc. To get busy all I have to do is roll a portion of the carpet, swing my bench out, and get my tunes blasting . 🤘

Tip 3: Equipment

When it comes to equipment I say KEEP IT SIMPLE. This coming from the gal with all that equipment listed above ;) But I didn’t always have those things. I’ve gotten pieces of equipment to integrate slowly along the way to keep things interesting and dynamic. Starting small gives you the gift of learning the basics - those tried and true methods of building your fitness regime without relying on all the fancy bits that cost $$$. Try starting out with exercises that only require your body weight and then later adding in some dumbbells and some resistance bands.

Tip 4: Storage

Keep your space tidy and clean. This tip is important! How many times have you felt challenged to motivate yourself to do a task because your kitchen was cluttered or your desk was a mess. You told yourself you first needed to clean up but then by the time you’d finished cleaning your motivation to workout was dead and gone. Perhaps you even told yourself your workout WAS doing the cleaning - ha!

I recommend creating a space that is free of clutter with storage for all of your equipment. If you’re dedicated space is for yoga consider storing your props in an ottoman or basket that can go on a shelf or under the bed. If you’re doing some strength training installing a hook on the backside of a closet door to hang your resistance bands keeps them tangle free and out of sight. Get creative! Line your dumbbells up by size just under your bed within reach.

Tip 5: Flooring

Yoga and mat Pilates are probably the easiest exercise formats to consider as they require very little space and equipment overall, however with strength training and HIIT you will need to think about what lies beneath your feet. Carpeting and area rugs can be to squishy and tile and hardwood floors can become slippery. Be nice to your joints and check out some rubberized flooring. I recommend looking at making the investment on a nice Gorilla mat or saving some money and opting for a large piece of rolled recycled rubber. Another option is puzzle flooring that can be easily taken apart and comes in a variety of finishes including that wood floor look and even turf.

Tip 6: Mirror, Mirror on your wall

Even a full length mirror at around $20 is a solid investment to work on your form. If you can’t see your knee stability and alignment during squats and lunges, or get a peak at your low back in a deadlift or plank position to be sure you’re not adding unnecessary stress to your spine, then you’re doing your body a disservice. Before buying any equipment to pimp out your exercise pad hang a mirror!

Tip 7: Laptops, TVs, & devices

Be sure you have a good viewing spot to place your device or television if you will be using one for exercise. If you are working with a personal trainer send them photos of your space and get their feedback for the best viewing angles during different types of exercise so they can see your form clearly. For virtual fitness classes choose a surface at eye level when standing to ensure your neck is in alignment when lifting weights and be ready to move your device down lower for doing floor work such as core exercises.

Tip 8: Decorate to motivate

Now for the fun part! Get creative and decorate to inspire you to perform at your best. Apply a wall decal of a motivational word or quote, add a touch of zen with a salt lamp or diffuser, or frame a photo of someone strong who inspires you. It’s your space - own it.

Creating a dedicated space for working out from home is part of the journey of becoming independently fit. It’s an empowering process that sets you apart from those who make excuses and those who move the furniture aside to make it work. #GoalsWorkRepeat

My Workout Room at home.JPG

Food Fitness: Steps for good nutrition while sheltering in place

Stuck inside and feeling like Vanna White on rehearsal for Wheel of Fortune - walking from your refrigerator…to your pantry…to your cupboard and back again trying to solve the insolvable puzzle of why the heck you’re sure you are starving when you ate a short hour ago? If you’re struggling to stick to your nutritional plan to lose or maintain your weight loss efforts while sheltering in place you are not alone. And it’s no surprise that those who make healthier food choices tend to fall ill less and keep a leaner waistline than those who consistently eat unhealthy foods and/or struggle to overcome their overeating habits. In a time when it can be challenging to get to the supermarket let alone find what you need on those bare shelves, what steps can you take for you (and your family) to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy, support your immune system, and avoid unwanted weight gains?

STEP 1: Clean it up - Now would be a good time to go through your cupboards and take stock of what you’ve got. If you’re like most of us you it’s likely you have a few forgotten cans of beans, veg, and crushed tomatoes floating around you can now make use of. This is a fantastic time to rid yourself of any sugar treats and unhealthy eats. Take your power back and toss it. What you don’t have you can’t eat.

STEP 2: Plan it out - Put some pen to paper and strategize. Create a daily meal plan for the next week or so considering the foods you found in your newly cleaned cupboards. Keep it simple and include plenty of fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. You are what you eat - EAT HEALTHY TO BE HEALTHY.

STEP 3: Get loaded…on healthy snacks and H20. Set yourself up for success by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Load up on lots of healthy snacks - think celery sticks, whole grain rice cakes, and apples with peanut butter. Consider the following:

  • Peanut butter…have you sampled the powdered stuff? I know it’s not the same for you PBFs (Peanut Butter Freaks) out there, but it has excellent pandemic storage ratings, is much lower in fat if your recipe needs to be toned down, and can be easily added for a flavor kick.

  • Freezer storage - Add in some bags of organic frozen fruit to prolong the length of time you’ll need between trips to the store to re-up your food supplies. You can freeze SO much - bread, cheese, lunch meats, yogurt, and milk - yup, it works.

  • Pack on the protein - pick up some organic protein mix too! It’s great to have on hand for smoothies and healthy treats.

  • Take turns - my friends are helping each other out to avoid going to the grocery store by taking turns as the shopper. This is a great idea! If you’re headed to the store ask your neighbor if he/she needs any fresh produce and in turn they may do the same for you. It’s a great way to stay stocked up on the fresh stuff while avoiding added trips and exposure. Keep a cooler outside for your delivery.

STEP 4: Learn to love cooking…or at least try - Now is an opportunity to get back to the basics. Learn to bake your own bread, toss your own pizza crust, ferment your own coconut yogurt, and experiment with healthier alternatives of the good stuff, ie: dessert ;)

STEP 5: Be mindful - Use your time in the kitchen as a working meditation. Put an apron on, organize your ingredients and arrange your cooking tools. As you prepare your food become aware of how the ingredients feel in your hands, the sound of the spoon against the bowl, and the smell of your home cooked meal. These foods will fill and nourish you (and your loved ones) so make it with a mind-FULL of love.

Sheltering in place has its upsides and I’m grateful for the opportunity to get back to the basics and learn to love cooking again. Use these steps to help you get back on and stay on track with your nutrition. Treat your body well and good health will follow!

6 Tips for Hiking during Covid-19

Many of us are ordered to shelter in place to help slow the spread of the virus and if you’re lucky enough to have some hiking available to you for exercise here are some considerations to keep your hikes safe, fun, and kind.

  1. Bring the hand sani.

    Bringing a travel sized hand sanitizer with you makes it easy to sanitize your hands before touching the door handle to open your car.

  2. Don’t touch the trees!

    Think you’re the only one using trees to boost your step up or avoid the mud? Think again.

  3. Be willing to move aside.

    In my experience most hiking trails were not created with a potential virus outbreak in mind and do not comply with the “6 feet apart” standard. Be willing to share the trail with your fellow hikers.

  4. Be flexible.

    Consider taking the path less traveled and avoiding the crowds by avoiding peak hiking times. This one is tricky now that every day is a Saturday for a lot of us. If the parking lot is overflowing with cars you may want to check out a different route or time for your hike.

  5. Make it fun.

    Trail running and hiking is my absolute favorite way to play outside! To make it fun I like to give myself a challenge and make it a game by recording my time and/or distance traveled. Then when I come back I can try to beat my time or increase my distance. If you’re hiking with kids, create a scavenger hunt or collect specimens for a fun learning experience. Be sure to tell them about “Leave No Trace” practices and have them photograph their specimens logging their discoveries in a photo album.

  6. Keep it kind.

    We’re all in this together. A friendly hello to passing hikers may be the only in person contact some of us have. It’s cool to be kind.

As we head out onto the trails stay safe, have fun, and be kind - happy trails!

Why I’m offering free online fitness classes in April.

“Amongst the chaos an equal sense of humanity…”

This was a thought I had while perusing social media at the start of the covid19 outbreak. Here were my friends and acquaintances selflessly offering what they had to give - food deliveries, donations, and the newly elusive roll of TP. Witnessing what others were willing to do for thy neighbor gave me a sense of hope and a good look in the mirror. Here I was, whining about my fear of the potential loss of my training business I had worked for over 6 years to build. It was enough to help me see the “light” of everything I had to be grateful for.

Why I am offering this class

People had needs, and I could help. I began asking around for anyone knowing of who could use some volunteers. I signed up at the AIO food pantry and at the Chloe Maxim site and received notice from each that they’d reach out soon. I didn’t hear from them for a few days. Surprisingly they had enough volunteers - too many - and I was challenged to find my own way to give to my community. I was stunned.

Personal trainers have a need to feel needed

It’s as much a part of who we are as gluten is to wheat and without it our world quickly becomes tasteless. Out for a run and a listen (playlist: “We run this”) I started to brainstorm all the ways in which I could help others when the lightbulb went off. I knew I needed to look to my talents. What is it that I have to offer my community who is stuck inside and needing a little encouragement to gain and keep healthy habits strong. Fitness of course! And I’m happy to announce I am offering free Zoom fitness classes through the month of April. Get your sneakers on and your weights out - it’s on.

Keeping your healthy habits through COVID-19

Notice to my clients;

In light of the recent reports of the virus making its way to Maine it has been quite the buzz in most conversations. I wanted to take a moment to let you all know I am hearing your concerns and have increased efforts at the studio to continue to provide a safe and clean environment for exercise!

The Balanced Body Studio is vigilantly working to provide a clean and sanitized space for exercising. We pride ourselves in the regular feedback we receive for being the cleanest studio in the Midcoast! You may have noticed we run a top of the line air filter and purifier in the personal training room, regularly wipe down all equipment used after each client, and have the entire studio cleaned and sanitized twice weekly by a dedicated cleaning service - how’s that for clean!? Our smaller studio environment is certainly a less concerning place to workout when compared to the larger gyms in the area, which is why we are deciding to remain open at this time with a bit o’ help from you.


Please help us keep our studio clean and germ free by remembering the following:

* Wash your hands before and after your workout.

* If you are sick, stay at home!

        * Everyone is welcome and encouraged to bring a personal mat from home for use during their session.

* For those of you who have been traveling abroad and to large metropolitan areas, please plan to either forego sessions for 14 symptom free days upon return, or complete your sessions with me online.

Social distancing doesn’t mean we stop working towards our goals! Your continued progress is important to me - let’s work together to move beyond this temporary obstacle and do everything we can to keep your growing healthy habits strong! If necessary, we have the option to move some of your sessions online through Skype. Please talk with me about how this can be arranged so I can best plan your custom workout with the equipment you have at home and/or make suggestions on some small pieces of equipment that will keep your workout dynamic. And remember, if Superman can get his clothes on in a phone booth, you can get your workout on in a phone booth ;)

Please let me know if you have any questions and thank you for doing what you can to help us keep our space clean!


SUP is back!

Your favorite fitness class is back on the water in July & August. It's a beautiful time of year in Midcoast to enjoy your fitness outside and I am thrilled to be able to offer this class for our 5th year! This year we have changed our paddling location to Shirtail Point in Camden off of Rt 105. Shirttail point is a beautiful place to paddle and offers a quiet meandering river with mountain views and the sound of the loons. Whether you're new to Paddleboarding or consider yourself a pro this is a fun class that will give you paddling skill and a stronger core.

When: Saturdays 9-10:30am (Begins July 7th)
Location: Shirtail Point in Camden
Cost: $35 (all equipment provided) or $30 BYOB (Bring your own board)

To participate in class you will need a Paddleboard (of course!), paddle, board leash, and PFD. You must bring all of the above if you are BYOB participants. If you would like all of your gear provided for, including your board, with delivery and all we are happy to help! I have partnered with Maine Sport who will be providing and delivering gear for anyone who needs it. If you would like us to bring your gear you must register by Thursday prior to your class. For more information on this class and additional paddleboarding fitness offerings visit my website or Register here.



If you haven't yet heard the news around town, we are moving! The newly built Balanced Body Studio is located at 2 Virginia Ave in Camden, Maine. We are very excited to welcome you to our new home where we have a large group fitness space for your favorite classes and some new ones such as TRX Suspension Training, Barre, and Pilates. We also have a beautiful personal training studio equipped with the latest in functional training equipment, and a fully equipped Pilates studio. See our preliminary class schedule below. Class reservations are going on now as we will be opening the doors in the last week of October and will be ready to help you with your health and fitness goals.

6:30-7:30am Total Body Circuit - Brystle Noble's Fitness
9:00-10am Balanced Body Barre Strength - Betsy Kingsley
5:00-5:15pm Yamuna Foot Class-Marianna Moll
5:15-6:15pm Yamuna Body Rolling- Marianna Moll

6:30-7:30am HIIT Circuit - Betsy Kingsley
9:00-10 am Cardio Crush - Brystle Noble's Fitness
11:00-11:45am Senior Fitness - Betsy Kingsley
5:30-6:30pm Balanced Body Barre Amplified - Betsy Kingsley

6:30-7:30am TRX Suspension Training - Brystle Noble's Fitness
9:00-10:00am Balanced Body Barre Core - Betsy Kingsley
5:30-6:30pm Ski Conditioning - Betsy Kingsley

6:30-7:30am Core Conditioning - Betsy Kingsley
9:00-10am Hard Core (Cardio + Strength + Core) - Brystle Noble's Fitness
5:30-6:20pm Pilates Mat Intermediate - Brystle Noble

6:30-7:30am Cardio Sport & Core- Brystle Noble's Fitness
12:15-1:15pm Balanced Body Barre Stick and Stretch- Betsy Kingsley

9:00-10am Balanced Body Barre FIRE!- Betsy Kingsley

Balanced Body Logo.jpg

It's time to think Spring.

It's just around the corner...and I have some fitness options for ya!
Check out my current class offerings in April including some new additions at the Midcoast Recreation Center! 

Bootcamp Results:
Sign up for a full month of classes with the Bootcamp Results Program meeting at our usual 7-8am M/W/F for $99 ($8.25/class!) OR Drop-in for $12 (Space permitting). First timer? Take 10% off. These classes are held in our beautifully equipped and sunlit space on Maverick St in Rockland. This is the ultimate Spring fitness option!

Circuit Training at MRC:
If you've ever been to a circuit class and loved it you need to check this class out! We have the MRC Training Zone to ourselves in this small group fitness class. Medicine balls on the rebounder, land mine pivot station, agility ladders, hurdles, stability balls, trx suspension and rip trainers...oh my! This class will work you head to toe as you move from station to station with limited rest to keep your heart rate up. Come have fun with us! Mondays 5:30-6:30pm $50 monthly (advance registration) or $15 Drop-in. Max 10 participants.

Pilates Beginner Mat Class at MRC:
Pi-la-tes - designed by Joseph Pilates and based on the 6 principles of Centering, Control, Concentration, Flow, Breath, and Precision, this core workout will reveal your true core, develop strength from within, lengthen and improve posture. Wednesdays 5:45-6:30pm beginning April 5th. $50 with advance monthly registration or $15 Drop-in.

See you soon!

Try a Sampler Week - 3x Classes for $19!

Looking for a fun, fresh, reliable weekly fitness routine? Sign up for a Sampler Week and check out what our fitness classes have to offer. Pick any week in February for a week of classes featuring Circuit Training, Cardio & Core Conditioning, & Strength Building. Each class gives you a total body workout and is designed to keep fitness fun and challenging.

If you're new to our fitness community, try our Sampler Week for a limited time. It's a great way to meet a small community of individuals like you who share in the goal of living a healthy and fit-full lifestyle.