“Amongst the chaos an equal sense of humanity…”
This was a thought I had while perusing social media at the start of the covid19 outbreak. Here were my friends and acquaintances selflessly offering what they had to give - food deliveries, donations, and the newly elusive roll of TP. Witnessing what others were willing to do for thy neighbor gave me a sense of hope and a good look in the mirror. Here I was, whining about my fear of the potential loss of my training business I had worked for over 6 years to build. It was enough to help me see the “light” of everything I had to be grateful for.
Why I am offering this class
People had needs, and I could help. I began asking around for anyone knowing of who could use some volunteers. I signed up at the AIO food pantry and at the Chloe Maxim site and received notice from each that they’d reach out soon. I didn’t hear from them for a few days. Surprisingly they had enough volunteers - too many - and I was challenged to find my own way to give to my community. I was stunned.
Personal trainers have a need to feel needed
It’s as much a part of who we are as gluten is to wheat and without it our world quickly becomes tasteless. Out for a run and a listen (playlist: “We run this”) I started to brainstorm all the ways in which I could help others when the lightbulb went off. I knew I needed to look to my talents. What is it that I have to offer my community who is stuck inside and needing a little encouragement to gain and keep healthy habits strong. Fitness of course! And I’m happy to announce I am offering free Zoom fitness classes through the month of April. Get your sneakers on and your weights out - it’s on.