You are in control of your health.

Take the first step and sign-up for a class. All in person fitness classes are conveniently located at The Balanced Body Studio, a boutique studio in Camden, Maine.

NEW! Online Fitness Classes

From the comfort of your home take a Zoom LIVE fitness class! While modifications will be given for all exercises for those of you with limited to no equipment, bring what you do have such as: Dumbbells (Jugs of water and/or heavy textbooks), resistance bands, a stability ball, suspension straps (TRX), glider discs (washcloths/paper plates), and a mat. It’s also great to have a chair or step ladder near by for exercises requiring stability. We’ll make it fun and engaging no matter what you have for equipment! Pop up classes happen periodically - sign up to be knowtified.

Current offerings

Class: Sunday Sweat Sesh (FREE through April)
When: Sunday’s at 10am
Equipment: None, but it’s nice to have!

Can’t go Live?

If you’re not able to go live with Brystle on Zoom try a workout here!

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